Exhibit 7: Georgia Guidestones

The Georgia Guidestones are a monument located in Elbert County, Georgia, about 90 miles east of Atlanta. It was commissioned anonymously in 1979 by a man using the pseudonym "R.C. Christian,” who claimed to represent a group who had been planning the project for more than 20 years. Sometimes called "the American Stonehenge," it is made up of several large granite slabs upon which are inscribed a series of rules for building a new civilization in the aftermath of some great cataclysmic event. These instructions are written in 8 modern languages, as well as shorter inscriptions in 4 ancient languages. The Guidestones were designed to function as a compass, calendar, and clock. The inscription states that a time capsule is buried beneath the stones; however, no date is given for its planned unearthing.
The Guidestones have given rise to numerous conspiracy theories, mainly due to the first guideline which instructs future peoples to "Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature." Some interpret this instruction to be promoting genocide in order to reduce the population; however, it seems more likely to be a suggestion for rebuilding civilization after a mass extinction event, rather than reducing the existing population.
Source: Wikipedia